miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015


What have to do a judoca who pretends to reach the next level of belt? For example, I want to be brown belt, what I have to do to get this belt? This work must to be upload in the school platform before of the 20th of march.


Search on the internet about the best spanish judocas of the hystory, and upload to the school platform. The last day to finish the work will be the 15th of March.


Fallen (Ukemis)

- Ushiro-Ukemi (falling backwards). Their difficulty eradicated in the space lack performer. From the standing position, we flex the legs to sit as close to the heels and rodaos on the back. When the back of the waist contacts the ground, hitting his arms on the mat at an angle of 30-40 ° with the body.

- Mae-Mawari-Ukemi (rolling fall forward). It requires more coordination than any falls. Fundamental is to form a wheel with the whole body. It rolls with the corresponding arm to the front leg, the fingers of the front leg, with fingers pointing backwards; the other arm hits the mat, with the body forming an angle of 30-40 °.

Video: Look at the fallens of backward & rolling fall forward.

Immobilization (Katame-waza)

-Hon Kesa gatame. On the right side of Uke, back on the ground, Tori takes Uke's head with his right arm and locks Uke's right arm under his left arm, opens her legs to the maximum and lowers his head. According to the reactions of Uke, Tori can change the position of the legs.

Video: You can observe how can you do this immobilization, and also how can you escape of one.


- Ippon: the brightest demonstration of the technique, you can get both in the form of projection, such as immobilization, dislocation or strangulation. It represents an ippon victory for those who Consigua.
- Wazari: is like an Ippon that lacks an element can be achieved by spraying or immobilization. Two Wazaris equal one ippon.
- Yuko and Koka: lower puntuacines have no summative.

- Penalties:

or misuse of space
or lack of combativeness
or endangering the safety of an opponent or self
or misuse of judogi
or unsportsmanlike behavior

Men's bouts have a duration of five minutes and four female category. To get a Ippon in a detention must keep the enemy for 25 seconds. If we keep 10 seconds counts as one wazari.


The belts have two clasifications, KYU for students and DAN for masters.

The KYU belts are divided by colours from white to black, every colour means a level of skills in judo.

The DAN belts have lines of red in a white belt, every red line indicates a superior level of a DAN; untill the final level which is the red belt just otorgaded for Jigoro Kano in signal of respect.



Jigoro Kano lived in the late nineteenth century, young and due to their low bulk and defend necesisadad of other young people who picked on him, showed interest in Jujutsu from which developed the Judo. Kano founded the first school of judo in 1882, called the Kodokan.

The term judo (ju = flexibility do = path; path of flexibility) was adopted as opposed to jujutsu (more aggressive and dangerous martial art), to highlight the educational and moral side of his school. The Kodokan judo intended to achieve an educated individual with moral principles, with a mind and a strong body. The Kodokan was a place intended to provide a general education through judo.

From 1889-1891, Jigoro Kano was traveling around Europe in order to study their educational institutions, and on his return, he put a lot of effort into the training of physical education teachers to teach judo and each of the sports I had observed in their Kodokan travel.

In the 1964 Tokyo Olympics as a demonstration sport enters, becoming oficial in the Olympics Games of Barcelona 1992 as a full Olympic sport.

Historically the results of the World Championships, Olympic Games and other top-level events have been in favor of Japanese judokas, although in recent Olympic cycles have excelled many other countries reaching great results. 


Dear students,
Here I upload the infography of the next learning unit of judo "Samurais del respeto".