miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015


Fallen (Ukemis)

- Ushiro-Ukemi (falling backwards). Their difficulty eradicated in the space lack performer. From the standing position, we flex the legs to sit as close to the heels and rodaos on the back. When the back of the waist contacts the ground, hitting his arms on the mat at an angle of 30-40 ° with the body.

- Mae-Mawari-Ukemi (rolling fall forward). It requires more coordination than any falls. Fundamental is to form a wheel with the whole body. It rolls with the corresponding arm to the front leg, the fingers of the front leg, with fingers pointing backwards; the other arm hits the mat, with the body forming an angle of 30-40 °.

Video: Look at the fallens of backward & rolling fall forward.

Immobilization (Katame-waza)

-Hon Kesa gatame. On the right side of Uke, back on the ground, Tori takes Uke's head with his right arm and locks Uke's right arm under his left arm, opens her legs to the maximum and lowers his head. According to the reactions of Uke, Tori can change the position of the legs.

Video: You can observe how can you do this immobilization, and also how can you escape of one.

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